- Teacher: lukman oyewole
Understand numbering system, know the internal structure of computer processing unit, Understand the basic principle of microelectronics, Understand the concept and development of simple programs for a microprocessor
Concept of web server, Know how to install internet information service (IIS) for windows XP Protocol ports for web server, Difference between web server and intranet.
Understand sound production and sound editing
Know how to conceptualize an idea of a small enterprise. Know how to plan the establishment of a small business enterprise. Know how to share profits/losses as appropriate. Know to dissolve or sale a small business enterprise.
In this introduction to marketing management, you will learn how to make effective marketing decisions, including assessing marketing.
This course teaches the fundamentals of financial accounting from the ground up. Participants learn how to prepare and interpret financial statements—the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement—and calculate and interpret critical ratios.
This course provides a description and evaluation of government accounting and financial management and control systems in the public sector, with particular reference to countries in the region.In addition, the course is designed to introduce students to the theory and practice of public sector accounting. As such, a foundation will be provided for students to reflect on possible social and economic problems and how accounting and financial management can help in more effective economic development. Contemporary accounting issues will also be covered to enable students to research and grasp their usefulness in a changing public sector environment
Know how to conceptualize, design, develop and publish (native or hybrid) applications; know how to develop mobile applications using xml, java, html5, css, JavaScript, Typescript and any other relevant concepts; know how to use VS Code, eclipse, android studio or any industry recommended IDE.
Introduction to Frameworks and their use; Rapid applications development (RAD) tools.
Mobile games development. (2D or 3D) using game engines like Phaser, Unity etc
This is a fully hands-on driven class.
Process of fault diagnosis, causes of computer start up failure memory failure symptoms, hard drive failure symptoms, floppy drive and CD-ROM failure /symptoms, mouse and keyboard failure symptoms, display system failure symptoms, sound failure symptoms, preventative maintenance of hard ware component ,diagnostic techniques involved in corrective maintenance , understand system installation procedures.
Creation of databases. Essential components and tools for SQL server operations, carry out SQL server installation, try out SQL server installation, know how to manage database, control of server and data base security.
Understand web graphics element, understand web animation, know interactive website design and application, know how to create web sites using forms and active links and create websites.
Integrated development environment, C# programming concepts, statements operators, and expressions and object variables, know the use of array and structures, how to create classes and object, know how to create and manipulate data files, data base management concept in Object Oriented programming, know how to design report format, dialogue box concept.
Oracle architecture carry out the installation oracle data base software, method of creating and managing tables, apply the method of creating an oracle data base, apply the method of creating oracle data base, procedure for managing oracle instance, procedure for managing data base structure. Carry out the procedure for administering user security and managing schema objects, procedures for managing data and concurrency.
Statistics and all that it stands for, different methods of data collection and their limitations, basic principles of probability distributions and be able to identify each distribution, principle of correlation of two variables and the regression of one variable.
EXPLAIN the concept of phrase and clause. List the diff types of essay and identify the features of each type. Describe summary writing types and steps in writing them.
Understand effective ways of communication. LEarn to how to address the public and do public presentations.
Know how to apply logic in writing a report. Know how to write a good investigative report.
Understand the basic rules of mathematical logic and their application to mathematical proofs. understand the algebraic operations of matrices and determine as well as solve simultaneous linear equations by the method of matrices
Understand the concept of set theory, understand the binomial expansion of algebraic expansions.
Understand the algebraic operation of matrices and determinant as well as solve simultaneous linear equation by the method of matrices.
Introduction to programming concepts and stuffs like that
Basics of programming languages and scripting skills. Understanding of visual basic programming codes, know how to use action script for interactive we applications. Know how to use javascript for building applications and for adding interactivity to applications.
Know, and understand how to use HTML5 and its elements for creating interactive web applications, with various effects. Get introduced to web3 uses, elements and components.
At the end of this course, the student should also understand various kinds of animation techniques in the industry.
Software architecture, software development lifecycle (sdlc), performance management, project design patterns and methodologies, project management process, requirement specification analysis.
Know different system, system theory, concept of management information, know the feature of management information system (MIS), concept of transaction processing, concept of office automation, different application of MIS, principles decision making, know the development cycle of an MIS, principles of project management, total system.
Integrated development environment, C# programming concept, statements, operators, and expressions and object variable, know control statement in OOP, know the use of procedure and function, understand the use of array and structure, how to create classes and objects, know how to create and manipulate data files, database management concept in Object Oriented programming, know how to design report format, dialogue box concepts.
Know the different ways of resolving conflict
Know the concept of optoelectronics, Understand the concept of the various operations in a personal computer, Know the concept of scsi of computer memory, Know the concept of basic network architectures and access.
System security and challenges, Know types of threats and attacks to data security breach and the types of security breaches, hacking and the types of hacking.
Understanding the internet and the internet protocol (lp), Know types and sources of network threats ,Understand protective and recovery strategies, Know fire-walling for networks defence.
Wide area network (wan), Know very small aperture terminal (v_sat) Kunad C band, inter-networking operating system (ios), Base station and repeater station.
Understand how to write and criticize scripts and presentations
Understand how to run a multimedia company, know opportunities in the multimedia industry, know how to build a reputable image for, create concept for multimedia products, know the techniques for marketing and branding media products, understand the basics of programming languages and scripting skills know visual basic programming code know how to use action scripts for interactive flash programming know how to use javascripts for building special motion graphics and animations know how to use scripts for adobe effects programming
Understand the enhancement of visuals and video recordings Understand the creation of visual sound production and editing. Know how to package the portfolio, know multimedia presentations, know the basic application packages and its versions
Understand basic principles of bank lending to customers; Know the administration and types of credit and marketing in banks; Know the standards in loan asset creation; Know the back-up support on loans to customers; Know elements of financial analysis.
Prepare adjusted profit and loss computation for trades and vocations; Compute Pay As You Earn (PAYE) tax as it relates to employees; Prepare direct assessment on individual; Compute Companies Income Tax; Compute Capital Gain Tax; Compute Value Added Tax and Stamp Duties; Compute tax on property and investment income; File the necessary returns to the appropriate tax authorities; Attend to queries from the State Internal Revenue Service and Federal Inland Revenue Service as applicable in Nigeria.
Appreciate and describe the function and purpose of internal and external financial reporting system; Highlight the role of audit in external financial reporting; explain the principles of internal control; Appreciate control objectives for an accounting system under focus; Measure audit risk and formulate appropriate audit procedures; Draw logical conclusions from the results of conducted audit tests, and formulate simple and preliminary reports relating to audit assignments
Understand the nature of business and non-business organisations. Understand the nature of the business environment and its relevance for policy decisions of management. Understand the concept of corporate social responsibility and ethics in business and their relevance in the business environment.
Understand the manipulation of Trigonometric formulae and equations. Understand the concept of mensuration and its application to Engineering problems. Understand the concept of Analytical Geometry and its applications. Hypertext Markup Language Know the different forms of conic sections such as Ellipse, Parabola and Hyperbola.
Basic concepts of different calculus and its application in solving engineering problems. Know integration as the reverse of differentiation and its application to engineering problems. Understand first order ordinary differential equations with other constant coefficients as applied to simple circuits.
Understand the concepts of Electronics, Understand diodes technology, basic power supplies (half and full wave).
Basic Electricity, uses of Multimeter, uses of Megger tester, uses of basic electricity Kits.
Explain the concept of internet, know the concept of internet know various services on internet, internet connectivity, know obstacles to internet growth in Nigeria, know the fundamental concept of www, creation, customizing and scripting in hypertext markup language(html), dynamic content, dynamic markup language(dhtml), cascadib style sheet, know web development tools, multimedia concept, operation and usage of extensible markup ,language(xml).impact of computer in our society, purpose, importance and relevance to education and manufacturing.
ICDL is the world's number one computer skills certification program that demonstrates a person's competency in the use of a computer and common computer applications. It is a high-quality, internationally recognized certification designed, validated, and approved by international experts.
Know what an enterprise is. Appreciate reasons for entrepreneurship. Know the requirements for entrepreneurship.
Understand the various kinds of animation techniques used in the industry know basic skills in drawing know how to character based on human and animal anatomy. Understand animated sequence. Understand background and scene composition knowhow to write a script for the animation and transform it to storyboard understand 3D models and apply them to photo realistic textures.
Know the basic application packages and its versions, understand terms and concepts used in layout and designs: image creation, etc understand page layouts from a sketch for products like stationery, posters, books etc know touching up and editing of visuals, take pre-press tasks like creating camera-ready artworks, understand digital image technology, understand the basic concept of entrepreneurship week specific learning outcomes teacher’s activities resources specific learning teacher’s activities resources, roles of entrepreneurship in personal and national growth and development, know how to set business goals, know how to identify business opportunities know how to draw simple business plans, Completion of this course, the student should be able to know the main characteristics of the greek and roman arts traditions know the socio-economic contribution of art during the renaissance, understand the 19th century main art movements. Know the main art movements. Know the main moement in the 20th century art, Understand art in the wake of science and technology appreciate digital arts
Appreciate and describe the functions and purpose of internal and external financial reporting system; Highlight the role of audit in external financial reporting; Explain the principles of internal control; Appreciate control objectives for an accounting system under focus; measure audit risk and formulate appropriate audit procedure; Draw logical conclusions from the results of conducted audit tests; and the Formulate simple and preliminary reports relating to audit assignments.
Understand the statutes and regulations governing the establishment and operations of banks in Nigeria; understand the legal aspects relating to contractual responsibility of banks to customers; understand the ethical and fiduciary responsibility of banks to customers.
Power ratings on networking media ,Concept of a/c and d/c current, importance of power protection and back-up , Concept of upgrade, Know how to upgrade from LAN intranet to extranet network management and implementation.
Understand the concepts of consumer electronics, Understand the building blocks and modules of television, radio receivers etc, Understand the concept of repairs and maintenance in electronics/ computer.
Learn Graphic packages, a database management tool, a data analysis package.
Understand the law of contract; know negotiable instruments; understand the law of torts; understand company law; know partnership law; understand property law.
Know how to solve problems in real life scenarios and contexts, using department specific skills and knowledge acquired.
Know simple file organization concept, concept of file operations, basic storage devices and media, different file access method and buffering techniques, file organization structure and processing, file update, protection and security.
System concepts, know the stage of system analysis, process and basic guidelines for writing feasibility study, system implementation process system design, database design, input and output design, output design, system implementation, systems evaluation process, systems maintenance process
General over view of a network, know types of network, know OSI model, know IP addresses, know types of network, know networking devices
Know the IEEE standard in cabling network, know the Ethernet network 802.3, fibre optic cable, know coaxial cable, know UTP (unshielded twisted pair)and STP (shielded twisted pair) cable , EMI( electromagnetic influence), know IEEE 802.11 wireless standard
Understand operating system, Unix operating system, Linux operating system, windows operating system, know the component of operating systems.
Know the compatibility variance among computer components, know the coupling / assembling procedure of computer processing unit, understand the hardware configurations involved in the assembling of computer processing unit, understand the software configuration involve in the assembling of the processing unit, know the activities involved the assembling of the processing unit , know the activities involved in upgrading a computer, install a personal computer for use understand power packs optimal usage of computer system and computer accessories understand power supply troubleshooting in a computer environment, understand basic concept of pc repairs.
Concept of algorithm and flowcharting, Principle of designing algorithms for common programming problem, General modular program design principles, Procedure in solving a programming problems, Various levels of programming languages, Concept of debugging and maintaining program, Good programming practices, Concept of object oriented programming. Understand the general concepts of systems programming, Assembler and assembly processes, Compilation process, Use of utilities and libraries, Functions of operating system, input/output(I/O) device handlers
Know the main characteristics of Egyptian art, understand the main characteristics of the greek and roman arts traditions, know the socio-economic contributions of, understand the 19th century main art movements, Know the main movements in the 20th century art, understand art in the wake of science and technology, appreciate digital art, understand the concept and skills of critical thinking
Know the rationale for teaching history, know the role of the artist in the traditional societies, understand some Nigerian art traditions: benin, ife, nok, igbo-ukwu, etc, understand Nigerian art and crafts, understand the relationship between art history and society, know the contribution of Nigerian artist to the development of art in Nigeria.
Understand the concept and skills of critical thinking, Understand the relationship of critical thinking to science, Understand problem solving, Understand mathematical problems with critical thinking, Understand barriers to critical thinking, Know how to use critical thinking in the organization.
Understand the concept of multimedia, know how to explore image editing application, understand the enhancement of visuals, understand the creation of animation sequences, create a simple webpage, know how to package portfolio, know multimedia presentations, know the basic application packages and its versions, Understand terms and concepts used in layout, and design, image creation, typography, grids color types of printing understand page layouts from a sketch for products like stationery, posters, books, brochures, newsletters/dailies know touching up and editing of visuals understand pre-press tasks like, creating camera-ready artworks, using imposition, creating dummies, creating files for printing, understand digital image technology.
cinematography, the art and technology of motion-picture photography. It involves such techniques as the general composition of a scene; the lighting of the set or location; the choice of cameras, lenses, filters, and film stock; the camera angle and movements; and the integration of any special effects.
Understand Foreign Banking operations; know how foreign banking operation is administered; know the major types of services rendered in front office foreign bank operations; know the major types of backup services in foreign bank operations.
Understand Domestic Banking operations; Know how domestic banking operation is administered; know the major types of services rendered in front office domestic bank operations; know the major types of back-up services in domestic bank operations.
Basic national income accounting concepts: Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross National Product (GNP), Net National Product (NNP), National Income (NI), PErsonal Income (PI) and Personal Disposable Income (PDI). Methods of computing National Income (Income Approach, output or product approach, expenditure approach). The concept of circular flow of income. Problems of measuring national income. Uses and limitations of national income statistics.
Factors determining the size of national income; The concepts of consumption, savings and investments within the framework of Keynesian macroeconomic setting. Determination of equilibrium national income and the concept of multiplier.
Basic economic concepts and principles i the analysis of economic issues; features of the general economic environment in which individual, firm, government and other economic units operate; basis for rational economic decisions; activities of regional and international economic organizations with reference to the impact on the domestic economy...
Understand the nature, principles and scope of accounting and its role in the management of an organization; use the principles of double entry to post transactions in to relevant ledger accounts; Record payroll transactions; Record income and expenditure transactions; Maintain, prepare and explain petty cash records, bank reconciliation statements; Prepare financial statements.
Protect your network and data from intruders
Using the Eclipse IDE; Know object oriented programming with java, java construct , java abstraction, input / output processing java data base connectivity graphics and image processing graphic user interface and events , networking with java, multithreading and collection, : to carry out java projects
This course introduces computer programming using the Python programming language. Emphasis is placed on common algorithms and programming principles utilizing the standard library distributed with Python. Upon completion, students should be able to design, code, test, and debug Python language programs.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completing requirements for this course, the student will be able to: 1. Create a software application using the Python programming language. 2. Debug a software application written in the Python programming language. 3. Test a software application written in the Python programming language.
Concept of data structure and tools for studying, know tools for studying data: symbols, relations, and graph , know sets relating and string structure, know string structure know data life cycle data representation properties of ordered and occupancy know the properties of ordered and linear list know simple linked lists, know non- linear structure different sorting and searching techniques
Number systems and coding Know The fundamental of Boolean algebra, Know the implementation of the addition operation in the computer, Small scale integrated circuits, concept and methodology of sequential circuit design; counter and data transfer
Know simple websites, understand wed graphic elements, understand wed animation,. Know interactive shockwave websites and the applications, Know how to create websites using forms and active link, know the history of multimedia development understand basic management concept appreciate the basic of human behavior understand decisions planning for multimedia products know international policies on multimedia know the regulatory bodies for multimedia products in Nigeria.
Network design, deployment and implementation, Know the various types of network topology, Difference between bus, ring, star, mesh, full mesh and wireless network topologies, Know the most fault-tolerant topology, Data link layer protocols.
Network operating system (win XP and 2003) & Linux, managing; implementing and configuring win XP and 2003 server, Know configuration of DHCP using Win XP and 2003 server , Linux, Know configuration of proxy using win XP and 2003 server.
Understand the wireless LAN standards, Know the anatomy of a radio LAN Know the radio modem, Mac(data link ) layer
Understand numbering system, know the internal structure of computer processing unit, Understand the basic principle of microelectronics, Understand the concept and development of simple programs for a microprocessor
Know how to create storyboards for interactive, Know how to create a video log and edit video footage, understand graphical user interface, know how to integrate media with video lingo programme, know how to record and edit sound for presentation, understand interactive shockwave games, know how to create animation for the presentation, know simple websites understand graphic elements ,understand web animation know interactive websites and applications, know how to create websites using web forms and active links
know how to create storyboards for interactive, know how to create a video log and edit video footage, understand graphical user interface, know how to integrate media with lingo programme, know how to record and edit sound for presentation, understand interactive shockwave games, know how to create animation for the presentation, know simple websites understand graphic elements understand web animation know interactive shockwave websites and applications know how to create websites using forms and active links.
know how to use relevant 2D software to create realistic animations.
Understand the elements of script writing; understand features of scripts; understand the stages in script writing; understand the types of scripts; understand how to structure a script and the qualities of good script.
Understand the bank customer; know how to deliver excellent customer service; Know the 14 key tests of service delivery; Know the handling of difficult customers and complaints.
Understand safety and risk management in bank jobs; Know the compensations available for injuries sustained at work; Know the security features available in the bank work environment; Know some self-preservation techniques in the face of attacks at work.
Understand the need for ICT in banking operations; Know the types of bank operation software used in Nigerian Banks; Know the basic operations of four modules of bank software.
Know the basic concepts of money; Know the evolution and structure of Banking on Nigeria; Understand Banks lending/borrowing principles; know negotiable instruments in banking; understand the roles of other financial institutions in the economy.